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Writer's picturePeyton Wright

Is your Family Trendy?

One of the biggest things to be in this world is trendy, in fashion, in music and in so many other things. I am sure you can name a few more. One of these trends being our families. What is a trendy family? Or what is trendy in Hollywood? Are families even trendy? The ideal family is different than it was 20 years ago, but just like with any trend it changes over time. Today's family trends consist of individualism; being a women's revolution or abortion, marriage at an older age which has birth rates go down and parental age go up, cohabitation before marriage and the more money the fewer children, dare I say same gender parents. These are just some trends about families that some classmates and I have studied. What is happening to the world with these trends? Could these be negative or positive trends?

I have some data that I want to share about these trends and why these trends are a negative impact on families in today's world, and why with a strong family children can exceed in education, health, development and how we can have more successful, wealthier nations.

"In 2015 world leader from over 190 countries gathered and committed to a bold 15 year plan of action with 17 goals for people, the planet, and prosperity (UN Sustainable Development Goals). This plan aims to create a world free of poverty, hunger disease..." and much more. "According to the United Nation Resolution on the protection of the family, these goals would be difficult to attain unless the strategies to achieve them focus on the family, which can contribute positively to... eradicating poverty and hunger, achieving universal primary education, promoting gender equality and empowering women, reducing child mortality... yet unfortunately the contribution of the family... in the achievement of development goals continues to be largely overlooked. Despite the fact that family seems to be the key to solving many world problems" (Family Watch International).

"Research shows that men women and children do better when it comes to health, wealth and education when they are apart of a strong stable family"(Family Watch International). Education is something that is so important to have in life, it's what helps us live. So what happens when the children of the world are not getting an education the deserve? "Children living with their 2 parents are more likely to be successful in school. Let's look at other countries too! "In countries across the world from Indonesia to Singapore to Sweden, children were about 40% less likely to be held back in school if they lived with 2 parents compared to just 1" (Family Watch International). We can see that kids are more successful when 2 parents are present in the home. Why? Because of the attention, time and resources of both a Mother and a Father. Confirming that strong families make for successful students.

Now that we know having 2 parents in the home is important, let's talk about why it's important that a Mother and a Father be present. "Having a Father present is a protective factor against adolescent girls being sexually active or abused" (Family Watch International). That's how impactful a Father is on a family. That is how important. "From the United States to Kenya teenage girls without a father are 2x more likely to get pregnant" (Family Watch International). Showing us that those resources, stability and lower stress levels of living in a 2 parent home are very impactful.

Let's talk about health, I thought that this global study from Child Trends was fascinating. " in Africa, Asia and Latin America from intact homes are almost one fifth less likely to die than children's mothers who divorced or remarried" (Family Watch International). This is interesting to me because we are talking about death, that's how important the family is on a child's life. "Clearly the family plays a key role in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals... nations have a vested interest in protecting this natural and fundamental unit of society" (Family Watch International).

Instead of looking at what is trending, let's look at the facts. An intact family is essential to our lives. Let's not overlook the family unit. I also want to point at that I am in no way bashing single parent households, I know many strong single moms and dads who do amazing things for their children. I am just sharing facts I thought were interesting and important for me and others to know so that we can build upon them.

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