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Writer's picturePeyton Wright

Family is Central to the Creator’s Plan JA #2

Updated: Oct 22, 2018

Why is it significant that the document starts with the fact that it is the First Presidency and the Twelve that are speaking?

I think that it's significant that the document starts with the fact that First Presidency and the Twelve are speaking because that shows the importance of the document and how powerful it is. Heavenly Father spoke through them to give us as members the word of God. And a guide on how to live a happy and good life.

In your view, why did they use the word "solemnly" in front of "proclaim"? They could have just said, "WE, THE FIRST PRESIDENCY and the Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, proclaim..."

The meaning of solemnly is "formal and with deep sincerity", if they would have just used proclaim it wouldn't seem as formal or have any importance.

Look up the word "ordain." What does that add to your understanding?

Ordain came up with "order" or "decree", I think it makes it more of a nicer way of saying demand or command. It shows that God is admit on having it be a man and woman. Meaning that this is one of the most important and understandable of God's commandments.

In May of 1831, Joseph Smith received a revelation that said, "marriage is ordained of God unto man." What is the difference in the wording between the revelation received in 1831, and the sentence in the Proclamation of 1995? Why do you think the Lord added words in the Proclamation?

The difference is that "man and woman" was added, marriage between a man and a woman is ordained of God. I know that a lot had changed from 1831 to 1995, for instance the world was saying that it was okay for same sex marriage, and recently for people to change the sex they were born as. This is especially difficult to understand that this is not God's plan and now that states are making it legal sometimes it's hard to know the difference between God's will and Satan's.

Please share why you think that the family is central to God's plan?

I know that the family is central to God's plan, because I had the opportunity to be sealed in the temple with my family in 2012. I got to experience the angel ladies who watched over me and my siblings as we waited in the waiting room. I got to walk down the hallway of multiple chandeliers and felt like a princess. I got to also walk inside of a room full of people who I knew loved me and my family. I held my family's hands as we sat across from each other at the alter. I felt spirit so strongly that day and from then on knew that family is the most important.

What is God's plan for the eternal destiny of his children?

His plan is that we return to him after being sen to earth and experiencing trials and everything life throws at you. And to come back to him in Heaven.

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